
Showing posts from December, 2017

Snoke didn't get murdered, he sacrificed himself.

  (SPOILER WARNING) Do you remember the scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi when Snoke is giving a speech about betrayal? He says and I quote. "You think you can turn him, pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes I see him "Turning" the lightsaber to strike true. And now foolish child, he ignites it and kills his true enemy. Also think back to Kylo Ren looking at Rey and saying "I know what I have to do", again the words "I Know What I have to Do". This to me suggests that the ultimate plan for Snoke was to kill himself so that he may become one with the Force, however it is my belief that he has convinced Kylo to kill him on the premise that by killing Snoke, it would make Kylo Ren more powerful when in fact it would make Snoke more powerful. I felt that there was something off about that whole scene. Snoke is by no means a fool and a Master of Mind abilities. This is why he says he c

How Anakin Skywalker Refused his Destiny as The Chosen One.

To recap In season 3 Episode 15 of The Clone Wars titled "Overlords", Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano were led to a group of beings called The Ones via a Jedi distress call not used in over 2000 years. There Anakin met with the Daughter who was strong and encapsulated the light side of the force. From there she separated him From his companions and led Anakin to meet "The Father", the one who kept the balance between the light and the dark, "The Daughter" and "The Son" who encapsulates the Dark side In short it becomes obvious that "The Father" Is growing old and needs to find "The Chosen One", enter Anakin Skywalker. After a trial of loyalties between choosing between Obi-Wan or Ahsoka from being killed by The Fathers children, Anakin chose to save both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan showing that he does have the power to tame both the light and the dark however when the Father asks Anakin if he will take his place th

If you hate The Last Jedi: You Missed the Point.

Both Jedi and Sith alike have prophecies that were supposed to be filled when it comes to the Force, that some great spiritual warrior would come about and bring balance to the Force, but the Force was already balanced. It has always been balanced and only perceptions of the Jedi and Sith viewed it as unbalanced brought the unbalance. There is no balance to be brought. That is what Yoda is trying to teach Luke and that is what Luke is going to teach Rey, Burning of the tree was the Illumination from the old archaic ways of the Jedi and Sith into a new philosophy that the Force is non polarized and there really is no light or dark and that good and evil are only ideas in the heart of the individual force user. So too in our real world there is really no good or evil. Just perceptions and ideas of what we view as good and evil. We define something that is non polarized, the only difference between people we view as evil people is that our moral compasses are just tuned differ

The Last Jedi: From a certain point of View

First I would like to say before viewing The Last Jedi I did have expectations but I let them go in order to view the film in an unbiased way. From a aesthetic view of the film I can't lie I was a little let down by the movie, I felt it lacked scope and it felt kind of bland in color, however in story and character development I have to say I love the direction that Disney/Lucasfilm is taking the Star Wars Universe. I hear people now complain about The Last Jedi being a Edgy-Socio commentary and with this I have one thing to say. In the words of Master Yoda in TLJ. "We are what they grow beyond, that is the burden of all masters."  To me this sums up the new film and the direction that the future films are going. Disney and Lucasfilm know that somewhere along the lines that Star Wars has to evolve to fit with modern day philosophical thought to stay relevant and not to keep rehashing the past. It is safe to say I believe that the days of Death Stars and Death St

Just Walk Away.

Article by Therrien Xavier   -Lesson for today-   If you have to bully your way into trying to make a point, chances are your probably wrong. In a Facebook debate that I had today with someone we will let remain anonymous. I learned a very important and valuable lesson. Some times pride stands in the way of logical thinking. Pride can be a good thing but if you have to much it can go to your head and over inflate your ego. I won't go into specifics of the conversation as it is not really that important as much as the lesson to be learned is. When we are debating with people we need to try and see things from all sides in an unbiased manner, and exercise a calm and collected demeanor. Yes I will admit that I have had my own problems with this before and occasionally I have lost my cool. But lets just say for instance that someone is pressing your buttons, purposely trying to get under your skin. What are we to do in this moment? Say we have done everything we

Fear can be a powerful ally.

Article by Therrien Xavier. When we look into the mystery that we call the Force, one of our most damning blockages is fear, fear of the unknown and the unexpected. But what if we could use fear to our own advantage? What if fear isn't something to really fear at all? From a very narrow and dogmatic Jedi point of view fear is the path to the dark side, fear leads hate and hate leads to suffering. But this isn't about Jedi or Sith no we are moving on, ever flowing with the Force. I tell you now that fear can be one of your most powerful allies and you can use fear to manifest things in life that you never thought were possible. Through the Force we seek to help others and that is fine and dandy but there comes a time when we need to help ourselves, the dogmatic view in Jedi Philosophy is that a Jedi is to be selfless and that is simply (Not Healthy) both mentally, physically, & spiritually sometimes we have to a little selfish. Have you ever had a time where you sat

The Philosophies of Master Bruce Lee

Article by Therrien Xavier. Let me say first and foremost that I am "Not" a martial artist. But not being a martial artist does not mean that there is nothing to gain from Master Bruce. Bruce Lee's Philosophy of Non-Form makes up the basic outline of my own personal philosophy. I do not settle on one set idea or belief as there is always room for improvement whether that be physical, mental or spiritual we can improve ourselves by remaining in a constant state of change and adaptability. Bruce's philosophies are some of the most profound philosophies that we can apply in our everyday lives to grow past the boundaries of who we are by using no way as a way and no limitation as limitation meaning that our limitations are what we make of them. Master Bruce also believed in being one's self and to always express yourself and always have faith in yourself. He began at starting at the root of who we are and asking ourselves "How can I be me?" I thi

From Jedi Realist to Force Realist: My personal transformation.

Article by Therrien Xavier For a while now I have been viewing the Force as a non dualistic point of view and with the release of Disney/Lucasfilms's new movie Star Wars The Last Jedi. It would appear that Luke Skywalker himself is having the same point of view manifesting inside. It would appear that the Force itself is more important than the Jedi and or Sith. These old titles and philosophies are beginning to decay as they are both dogmatic and limiting to the potential of human evolution. I sit back and think to myself how can we as a "Jedi" apply the Force in real life? Well in the famous words of Luke Skywalker, "It's time for the Jedi to end". That's right I said it. Now having said that I would add on to his original comment with "It's also time for the Sith to end", Jediism and Sithiism are polar opposites of what is essentially the same unifying Force. The only difference lies in the heart of the individual Force user. It

Refined Jedi Sight.

"Interpretation is the key, and more than one interpretation belongs in the Journal so future readers can come to their own conclusions."—Ussej Padric Bac: Shaman of the Whills. Speaking on The Journal of the Whills.  This one quote sums up in my opinion the best view of the Jedi community. No one Jedi views the Force in an exact definition and as the quote states, it is the key to come to your own conclusions. Everyday my study of the Force becomes more and more refined. My own conclusions are constantly in a state of fluctuation as I learn more and more. From my own view and findings is that The Force though a powerful ally, is also your worst enemy. Will the Force But do not bend to the will of the Force. The Force is neither light or dark the balance lies in the heart of the individual. There is only perceptions of Good and Evil the will of the Force are the intentions of the individual Jedi/Sith/Gray which are in all reality meaningless titles as is the F

The Great Thing About Being Jedi

Article Written by Therrien Xavier. First and foremost I do not want this article to be looked at as "Religion Bashing", because it simply is not. However it is an observation of the other religions of the World and why I feel that the Jedi Faith is the perfect choice for myself. I for one believe in God, Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah, El-Shaddhi, Adoni or whatever ancient Hebrew or other names that you want to give him. As stated in an earlier post I believe that the Force should be viewed as a philosophical idea however having said that I do believe that we are not an accident by any means and the thumb print for creation is all around us, we just have to know where to look. Now on to what I am trying to say. It does not matter what religious background you come from in the world when approaching the Jedi Community. We are non dogmatic, non denominational and except members from every walk of life. The Jedi represent tolerance and acceptance. Having said this and this i

The 16 Teachings

The 16 Teachings of the Jedi as interpreted by Therrien Xavier 1. As Jedi, we are in touch with the Living Force flowing through and around us, as well as being spiritually aware of the Force. Jedi are trained to become sensitive to the Force's energy, fluctuations, and disturbances. ____________________________________________________ For me becoming sensitive of the Force in great a great deal is becoming sensitive to one's own energy and the energies of others around you, it is showing compassion when called for and being naturally empathetic towards others own feelings. Also, it is being spiritually aware of yourself and your role within the universe and our world. _____________________________________________________ 2. Jedi live and focus on the present; we must neither dwell on the past nor be overly concerned about the future. As the mind wanders, focusing on the present is a task not easily attained, for the mind is not content with the eternal pres

The Jedi Code what it means, it's Variations, and the Three main Teachings

Article by Therrien Xavier First lets take a look at the most common known code within the Jedi community, and I will break down each line of the code as how it applies. "There is no emotion, There is Peace." of course, we are not saying that emotion does not exist within the Jedi ranks but we are to not let our emotions be our guiding factor, we are to harness and control the emotions to keep them at bay. my own interpretation of this line of the code is "There is no emotion, There is mind." Meaning that though I wholeheartedly recognize that my emotions are there, they are only manifestations created by the mind, which I believe can be a tool used for the greater good, however, I also believe that the mind can be a terrible master when left to its own devices. There is no ignorance, There is knowledge. Well, this one I have always sort of had a quarrel with because of course there is ignorance and ignorant thought but this stems from and o

Generating Love & Compassion

Article by Therrien Xavier. In our world of turmoil and unrest, sometimes I look around and think to myself, where is the love? Where is the compassion? Why must others treat not only themselves but the people around them so badly? Yes it is true that in today's society that the number one thing we tend to be missing is compassion for others. We have become self centered, egomaniacs who are indeed the most careless and what would almost seem like soul-less beings that have ever walked the Face of our great planet. We can generate through the will of the Force Love & Compassion for each other if we simply try. For example, have you ever felt so down and out and then someone came around or into your life and said a kind word or did something that made you feel %100 better? If so focus on this memory and meditate on how it made you feel. Now that you are feeling the warmth of compassion in your heart why would you not want to spread the compassion like a virus? Lets make compa

Fullness through Emptiness

Article by Therrien Xavier. Fullness through Emptiness. In training to become one with the Force, it is essential for the Jedi practitioner to learn what being full really means by understanding what emptiness really is. Emptiness from my own view is the void in which we can place all thoughts of impurity into a box and store away. Leaving the mind and body empty to make room for that which is pure and that which is love and universal, unending bliss. Now some people will view this and say well how can one not enjoy life without living life to the fullest and experiencing everything there is to experience? For example, people being sexually active with multiple partners or indulging in Drug and alcohol abuse. These are things that people tend to think makes their lives more fulfilled in fact they do the exact opposite. So to is it with over indulgence in anything that you do. A triple cheese burger from McDonald's I for one would consider it to be an over-indulgent food, t

Introduction to the Force and Inter-Emotional Transference

Article by Therrien Xavier Welcome to "A Certain Point of View" hints how this blog should be looked at and read. The views in this blog are my views alone and do not reflect the whole of the Jedi community at large. Though some of my views others may agree with, I'm sure some of views others will disagree with, but it is what it is. Introduction to the Force. Going based on what the infamous Star Wars films have defined, the Force as we can see is an Energy field that surrounds everything, and binds us all together. Some view the Force in the eastern tradition of Chi or Qi. However although I would agree that their is an underlying energetic field that does in effect hold the fabric of all matter together, I believe that the Force is best viewed in the sense of being a philosophical matter. I view it as the will of ones own intent. Using the power of language is probably the most powerful Force power that we as Jedi possess in the sense of a "Real" po