The Philosophies of Master Bruce Lee

Article by Therrien Xavier.

Let me say first and foremost that I am "Not" a martial artist. But not being a martial artist does not mean that there is nothing to gain from Master Bruce.

Bruce Lee's Philosophy of Non-Form makes up the basic outline of my own personal philosophy.

I do not settle on one set idea or belief as there is always room for improvement whether that be physical, mental or spiritual we can improve ourselves by remaining in a constant state of change and adaptability.

Bruce's philosophies are some of the most profound philosophies that we can apply in our everyday lives to grow past the boundaries of who we are by using no way as a way and no limitation as limitation meaning that our limitations are what we make of them. Master Bruce also believed in being one's self and to always express yourself and always have faith in yourself. He began at starting at the root of who we are and asking ourselves "How can I be me?"

I think that society is waking up to this philosophy in today's modern world. The world is finally beginning to look inward to their own heart and spirit and asking themselves who am I. And when they find who they are they begin to express it. The only problem I see with individuals though is this want to feel special and have these special titles set in place for expressing who they are.

I personally understand the need to feel special but I also have come to realize that I AM special, and so too are the individuals out there on a mission to find themselves and their path in this world. I am no more or no less than any human, or creature on this Earth I am only different, as are we all.

According to Astrology and Classical Elements my element is "Earth" however I do not view myself as literally set in stone and view myself like Master Bruce would, as in viewing myself, my mind, my spirit to be water. To be formless and shapeless. Now I can throw a little of my Earth into it and make a nice mud which I can sculpt and eventually take on a form of whatever I like however I am more for adding more water in and remaining in a state of fluidity; always ready to adapt and transform in the face of adversity and spiritual growth.

I'll leave you with a quote from the Master himself for you to dwell on.

Under the sky, under the heavens, there is but one family.

Be a practical dreamer backed by action.

To change with change is the changeless state.
Research your own experience. Absorb what is useful Reject what is useless. Add what is essentially your own.

Walk on!


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