Snoke didn't get murdered, he sacrificed himself.


Do you remember the scene in Star Wars: The Last Jedi when Snoke is giving a speech about betrayal? He says and I quote. "You think you can turn him, pathetic child. I cannot be betrayed. I cannot be beaten. I see his mind, I see his every intent. Yes I see him "Turning" the lightsaber to strike true. And now foolish child, he ignites it and kills his true enemy.

Also think back to Kylo Ren looking at Rey and saying "I know what I have to do", again the words "I Know What I have to Do". This to me suggests that the ultimate plan for Snoke was to kill himself so that he may become one with the Force, however it is my belief that he has convinced Kylo to kill him on the premise that by killing Snoke, it would make Kylo Ren more powerful when in fact it would make Snoke more powerful. I felt that there was something off about that whole scene. Snoke is by no means a fool and a Master of Mind abilities. This is why he says he cannot be betrayed because he has planned for this moment, this isn't sheer dumb blink luck that Kylo pulls this trick off.

In the words of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi via "A New Hope" he says to Vader. "If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you could possibly imagine. This I think is in fact Snoke's plan, to become more powerful than we could possibly imagine.

This I think is why during the climax of the Film we also see Luke Skywalker make his ultimate sacrifice, he knows Snoke is now one with the Force and it is my belief that he thinks Snoke will try to unite the old spirits of the Sith to try and form a powerful dark army of spirits. Luke is literally killing himself to try and stop Snoke in the after life.


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