How Anakin Skywalker Refused his Destiny as The Chosen One.

To recap In season 3 Episode 15 of The Clone Wars titled "Overlords", Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi and Ahsoka Tano were led to a group of beings called The Ones via a Jedi distress call not used in over 2000 years. There Anakin met with the Daughter who was strong and encapsulated the light side of the force. From there she separated him From his companions and led Anakin to meet "The Father", the one who kept the balance between the light and the dark, "The Daughter" and "The Son" who encapsulates the Dark side In short it becomes obvious that "The Father" Is growing old and needs to find "The Chosen One", enter Anakin Skywalker. After a trial of loyalties between choosing between Obi-Wan or Ahsoka from being killed by The Fathers children, Anakin chose to save both Ahsoka and Obi-Wan showing that he does have the power to tame both the light and the dark however when the Father asks Anakin if he will take his place therefore giving Anakin the power of free will to choose his own fate Anakin turns away leaving behind his true destiny to bring balance to the Force. The Father even warned Anakin that if he chose not to keep the balance that it would haunt him and the rest of the galaxy for the rest of his life. This is why Anakin's own selfish reasons caused him to eventually fall into complete darkness. Its like the old saying goes "Sometimes we must do what is required of us." Had Anakin of actually taken the call of the Father chances are he would have not fallen to the dark side and would have been able to truly bring balance to the Force.

To be continued...


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