Just Walk Away.

Article by Therrien Xavier
-Lesson for today-
If you have to bully your way into trying to make a point, chances are your probably wrong. In a Facebook debate that I had today with someone we will let remain anonymous. I learned a very important and valuable lesson. Some times pride stands in the way of logical thinking. Pride can be a good thing but if you have to much it can go to your head and over inflate your ego. I won't go into specifics of the conversation as it is not really that important as much as the lesson to be learned is.

When we are debating with people we need to try and see things from all sides in an unbiased manner, and exercise a calm and collected demeanor. Yes I will admit that I have had my own problems with this before and occasionally I have lost my cool. But lets just say for instance that someone is pressing your buttons, purposely trying to get under your skin. What are we to do in this moment?

Say we have done everything we can to try and avoid conflict, yet the individual you are talking to persist in "purposely" trying to make you mad by throwing insults in your direction. How can we cope with this?

Well first we start by remaining calm. We try not to let our own pride eat us alive while trying to be friendly and try to understand where the other person is coming from. But what if it is the other person who is not trying to really understand at all? Well in this case we simply just walk away from the situation.

Now from my stand point I am not saying this person is "Wrong" for believing what they believe. However I am saying that they are wrong for handling it the way they did using bully tactics to try and Force their own view and opinion down my throat. I even went out of the way to agree to disagree, however they would not have it and it became apparent to me that there was just no satisfying this need to be rude and hateful. 

So in the end if all else fails. Cut the umbilical cord and let those kind of people go, you don't need that kind of negative influence in your life. 

May the Force be with you all.


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