Generating Love & Compassion

Article by Therrien Xavier.

In our world of turmoil and unrest, sometimes I look around and think to myself, where is the love? Where is the compassion? Why must others treat not only themselves but the people around them so badly? Yes it is true that in today's society that the number one thing we tend to be missing is compassion for others. We have become self centered, egomaniacs who are indeed the most careless and what would almost seem like soul-less beings that have ever walked the Face of our great planet.

We can generate through the will of the Force Love & Compassion for each other if we simply try. For example, have you ever felt so down and out and then someone came around or into your life and said a kind word or did something that made you feel %100 better? If so focus on this memory and meditate on how it made you feel. Now that you are feeling the warmth of compassion in your heart why would you not want to spread the compassion like a virus? Lets make compassion go viral in our world. Treat others the way you want to be treated. So I present to you the Jedi Quest Challenge. If you come across this blog repost this article on Fb or any other social media outlet that you use. Lets work together to create more love in this world and take the Jedi Quest Challenge.


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