Refined Jedi Sight.

"Interpretation is the key, and more than one interpretation belongs in the Journal so future readers can come to their own conclusions."—Ussej Padric Bac: Shaman of the Whills. Speaking on The Journal of the Whills.

 This one quote sums up in my opinion the best view of the Jedi community. No one Jedi views the Force in an exact definition and as the quote states, it is the key to come to your own conclusions.

Everyday my study of the Force becomes more and more refined. My own conclusions are constantly in a state of fluctuation as I learn more and more. From my own view and findings is that The Force though a powerful ally, is also your worst enemy. Will the Force But do not bend to the will of the Force. The Force is neither light or dark the balance lies in the heart of the individual. There is only perceptions of Good and Evil the will of the Force are the intentions of the individual Jedi/Sith/Gray which are in all reality meaningless titles as is the Force. The Force is in constant fluctuation because "We" are in a constant state of fluctuation.

 The "Will of the Force" as I see it is simply, the will of our own intentions, what we do and the paths that we take are ours alone to choose, and the consequences of our choices is nothing more than happening, everything is happening at 1 point in time or another, here and there everything, every reality is going to happen regardless of our intervention. 

One might say this is sort of an existential view of the Force but I believe what we do in our lives defines who we are, not just as Jedi but as human beings.

So what could Lukes view of the Force be in The Last Jedi? Let's take a look at existential philosophy to clarify.

Existentialism is the philosophy that emphasizes individual existence, freedom, and choice. It is the view that humans define their own meaning in life, and try to make rational decisions despite living in an irrational universe. It focuses on the question of human existence and the feeling that there is no purpose or explanation at the core of existence. It holds that, as there is no God or any other transcendent force, the only way to counter this nothingness (and hence to find meaning in life) is by embracing existence Now having cleared up what existentialism is I would like to look deeper at this philosophy from a Jedi philosophical point of view. It has occurred to me that Jedi Master Yoda himself was somewhat of an Existentialist. In The Empire Strikes Back Yoda said something to Luke Skywalker that hints at the philosophy of Existentialism, he said and I quote. “For my ally is the Force, and a powerful ally it is. Life creates it, makes it grow”. From a certain point of view, the Force itself could be seen as existence and just like existential philosophy goes existence is created by the individual. Now any logical person would assume that The Force should create life and existence and not the other way around but this seems to be a hidden existential secret in Yoda’s words.Therefore I will sum up Jedi Existentialism in key points of view.
  1. If life creates the Force, then we are all creators of our existence and The Force is simply a carrier of our will into the universe and through our will, we bring order to a chaotic universe.
  2. Our intentions and actions create our realities, this is where the light side and dark side of the Force come into play. Will we choose the hero path or the villain?
  3. Unlike traditional existentialism for the Jedi Existentialist, there is a purpose to life and that purpose is to Exist in a balance between the light and dark, the harmonious and chaotic.
  4. Unlike existentialism, we do believe in a transcendental Force but we create it.
  5. We have freedom to express ourselves however we choose and realize in doing so we create our own existence.
  6. We do see ourselves as nothing, but this nothing is a vessel for the Force that we generate to manifest into physical reality, we recognize the Force as something that is separate from the vessel but it becomes one by will and action alone.
  7. We strive to unlearn what we have learned, to think outside of the usual box of thought and step into the greater plane of thought and contemplate our own role as existence.


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