The Jedi Code what it means, it's Variations, and the Three main Teachings

Article by Therrien Xavier

First lets take a look at the most common known code within the Jedi community, and I will break down each line of the code as how it applies.

"There is no emotion, There is Peace."

of course, we are not saying that emotion does not exist within the Jedi ranks but we are to not let our emotions be our guiding factor, we are to harness and control the emotions to keep them at bay.

my own interpretation of this line of the code is

"There is no emotion, There is mind."

Meaning that though I wholeheartedly recognize that my emotions are there, they are only manifestations created by the mind, which I believe can be a tool used for the greater good, however, I also believe that the mind can be a terrible master when left to its own devices.

There is no ignorance, There is knowledge.

Well, this one I have always sort of had a quarrel with because of course there is ignorance and ignorant thought but this stems from and only from lack of knowledge, this is why I feel that it is of the utmost importance to train the mind to obey you and not the other way around. However, it is unhealthy to think so much and this becomes a problem for people who are what I would call habitual thinkers. When the mind over thinks it overheats, and when we overheat we burn ourselves out on whatever it is we are thinking about. Also thinking too much can lead to insomnia which lack of sleep is bad for the body in return.

My own interpretation of this one is

There is no ignorance, Only lack of knowledge

By acknowledging the lack of knowledge we and others may have we can find humbleness in knowing that there is still much to learn and to always learn.

There is no passion, there is serenity

For me, this is sort of a difficult one. Of course, there is passion in things that we do and hold dear but we must not let these passions become obsessions we must seek and strive for serenity in knowing that our passions are part of what makes our life great, it's what gives us our drive to do better.

So for this, I interpret the code as follows

There is no passion, There is Drive.

I prefer the term drive over serenity because I acknowledge the serenity of life around me and through it, I find myself in a blissful and serene state of mind.

There is no chaos, There is Harmony.

Life is like the ocean crashing up against the rocky cliff, you never know which way the waves will fall or how hard they will crash but looking at them we begin to see the beautiful and complex structures found in the water and we can see that we ourselves are imperfect like the waters crashing motion yet we can perspective from these waters by acknowledging that life is the same, yet we can find Harmony in a storm, like the eye of a hurricane.

There is no death, There is The Force.

Like all things in life, everything has a cycle, it is my observation that everything like Newton's observations has an opposite and equal reaction, There is night and there is day but the in between is what interests me most We call these hours Noon and afternoon yet they are only variations of the one thing. Just like you have Hot, Lukewarm, then cold Luke warm is but another variation of the same thing, to me this is the underlying nature of the Force and it is how we are all interconnected.

Now lets move onto what the Jedi community calls the "Yet" version of the Jedi code.


As you can see the code is broke down into more of a Mantra form, and therefore at the same time can take on new and hidden meanings if read in the correct manner << Hint, there is no 1 correct way.
The code as it applies is for the mind and the heart of the Jedi alone to interpret. This Mantra can be uses when in stressful situations to bring yourself back to the present and to focus on the heart of the Jedi Teachings. I personally use Mala Beads while meditating using each bead as a line of the code. It keeps the mind from wandering off on its own and keeps me calm and balanced.

Emotion, Yet Peace.

Ignorance, Yet Knowledge

Passion, Yet Serenity

Chaos, Yet Harmony

Death, Yet the Force.


Three Main Teachings

The Three Main Teachings


Our focus determines our reality, this is a phrase we have all heard time and time again, and the truth is, this is actually the truth. When we put in the work and "Focus" we can achieve great things when we stay on track and committed to our paths. Having a clear mind means more work can be finished and the more we get done.


To truly understand the way knowledge works we must break down what knowledge really is. Taking in information and processing it is one thing, but to really understand the things we learn is another and to apply things that we learn is yet another thing. Through our "Focus" we can gain "Knowledge" and through our Knowledge, we Gain Wisdom.


Having wisdom is a process through which I believe we learn from obtaining knowledge through trial and error, we have from time to time said the phrase "Been There Done That", this is part of wisdom. Wisdom comes from the experiences we have lived and have learned from and that we can pass this wisdom on to the next generation with understanding and hope that they make better choices than we have.


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