From Jedi Realist to Force Realist: My personal transformation.

Article by Therrien Xavier

For a while now I have been viewing the Force as a non dualistic point of view and with the release of Disney/Lucasfilms's new movie Star Wars The Last Jedi. It would appear that Luke Skywalker himself is having the same point of view manifesting inside. It would appear that the Force itself is more important than the Jedi and or Sith. These old titles and philosophies are beginning to decay as they are both dogmatic and limiting to the potential of human evolution. I sit back and think to myself how can we as a "Jedi" apply the Force in real life? Well in the famous words of Luke Skywalker, "It's time for the Jedi to end". That's right I said it. Now having said that I would add on to his original comment with "It's also time for the Sith to end", Jediism and Sithiism are polar opposites of what is essentially the same unifying Force. The only difference lies in the heart of the individual Force user. It is time to begin searching within our own hearts to really find what is lying at the heart of the Force and to me that is our humanity.

Have you ever wondered why the Sith were so obsessed with prolonging their lives? I know I have and I think I have figured out why. It is their humanity that drives them. Their will to want to live forever and accomplish as much as they can in this life as many in our world wish to. (Worthy Goal) in my opinion, Now I for one would not ever wish to live forever as I believe that living forever would eventually lead to stagnation and a boring life. I want when I die to become one with the Force and for my own energy to become part of energy that expands this universe. Now I could possibly reincarnate on Earth and end up a Woman or an animal and as much as the idea of being a woman bothers me I have to try to get past it by viewing the Force as Nondualistic and realize that I will have no memory of ever being who I am now and therefore it would not matter who or what I am now in this life as the Force does not care if you are man or woman or beast.

I think it is personally time to mold a new philosophy of the Force. I believe that we must never become a state of stagnation.

Now let's formulate a new version of the "Jedi Code" we will call it the Code of the Force.

Now take this line and switch it up and add some new words and take away some.

When there is peace, there is peace.
This means that no matter our emotional state we can find peace of mind in knowing that we are human and it is our nature to be emotional beings.

When there is ignorance, there is ignorance.
Meaning that we as human beings are for the most part ignorant and finding peace within our ignorance and opening the doorway to enlightenment (Gnosis).

When there is knowledge, there is knowledge.
Meaning we can be knowledgeable but we must not let this knowledge grow into arrogance. We can be at peace with knowing that we do not know everything there is to know and isn't it a blessing that there is more to learn each day. 

When there is passion, there is passion.
Passion is not always a bad thing as the old code would like to point out. Passion has done a many of great things in this world. Such as this blog would not exist without me having the passion to write it. Or this computer I am typing from would not exist had someone not had the passion to create it. Passion should not be viewed as an evil. Evil only lies in the hearts of those who wish to do evil acts.

When there is chaos, there is chaos and also balance.
We must come to the idea and except that yes though we may be able to control some aspects of our lives; the world is mostly in a state of chaos or what I would like to call balance. The chaos itself is an illusion brought about by the world and the universe keeping itself in balance and I don't mean in the aspects of light and dark good and evil I mean the literal balance of the vibrations of the Force. Kind of like the butterfly effect what happens in one place will affect something else in another. This chaos is the power that keeps these things balanced.

When there is death,  there is death.
Death is a natural part of life as a wise little green Jedi Master once said, and this is true life is natural and therefore we should never fear our own mortality. It will come when it comes no matter what we do to stop it. Sure we can live as healthy as we possibly can and prolong our lives as long as we can but eventually the nature of the Force in the form of death will come to recycle you and make you new again.

  yet the Force is Eternal.
I view the Force as I view the Tao or Dao it is unending, and unseen yet its effects can be seen and felt world wide and in the universe. It is eternal, non biased, non binary, non dualistic, and it does not care about your feelings or emotions. It was, It is, and it will be forever and ever.


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