The Great Thing About Being Jedi

Article Written by Therrien Xavier.

First and foremost I do not want this article to be looked at as "Religion Bashing", because it simply is not. However it is an observation of the other religions of the World and why I feel that the Jedi Faith is the perfect choice for myself.

I for one believe in God, Yahweh, Elohim, Jehovah, El-Shaddhi, Adoni or whatever ancient Hebrew or other names that you want to give him.

As stated in an earlier post I believe that the Force should be viewed as a philosophical idea however having said that I do believe that we are not an accident by any means and the thumb print for creation is all around us, we just have to know where to look.

Now on to what I am trying to say. It does not matter what religious background you come from in the world when approaching the Jedi Community. We are non dogmatic, non denominational and except members from every walk of life. The Jedi represent tolerance and acceptance.

Having said this and this is from my own view, you may come to the Jedi community and possibly be from a background that I personally may have an issue with however it is your path to follow and I will accept you as a Jedi no matter where you come from. I may not agree with you but I will most definitely meet you in the middle as learning to know someone else's background and beliefs is core benefit to tolerance, acceptance and eventually, understanding and compassion.

Unlike a lot of faiths of the world who will cast you out in the blink of an eye for practicing an idea such as Jediism, not all Jedi view the path as "Religion" many in the community simply see Jediism as being a philosophical matter, I however do view it as a religion aka my spiritual path and yes, believe it or not Yahweh and Yeshua are a part of my path and I do find that the scriptures are one of the Key teachings and practices that Jedi should adhere to.

If everyone in the world actually lived like Yeshua the world would be a perfect place and we would all benefit from the glory of Yahweh aka The Force.

However my spiritual quest does not end with Yeshua as there have been many great spiritual avatars who have incarnated on Earth such as Gandhi, or Siddhartha Gautama aka The Buddha which means, "The Enlightened One". These spiritual Masters are the first and the original Teachers of the Force, that is if you view the Force as a spiritual/philosophical means.

I also read the Gnostic texts from the Dead Sea Scrolls, these are the scriptures that are not featured in the main canonical version of The Bible. Mostly because the Gnostic's were considered to be heretics because of their belief in communing with God without the means of going through the church.

My spiritual quest I have been on for many years and everyday it seems like I learn something more about myself along the way. You could say, Know thy self. Is the path that I am on.

Psalm 77:6 I call to remembrance my song in the night: I commune with my own heart: and my spirit made diligent search.


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