If you hate The Last Jedi: You Missed the Point.

Both Jedi and Sith alike have prophecies that were supposed to be filled when it comes to the Force, that some great spiritual warrior would come about and bring balance to the Force, but the Force was already balanced. It has always been balanced and only perceptions of the Jedi and Sith viewed it as unbalanced brought the unbalance. There is no balance to be brought. That is what Yoda is trying to teach Luke and that is what Luke is going to teach Rey, Burning of the tree was the Illumination from the old archaic ways of the Jedi and Sith into a new philosophy that the Force is non polarized and there really is no light or dark and that good and evil are only ideas in the heart of the individual force user.

So too in our real world there is really no good or evil. Just perceptions and ideas of what we view as good and evil. We define something that is non polarized, the only difference between people we view as evil people is that our moral compasses are just tuned differently. What some view as evil others would view as good. Think about it. In the terrorist faction of Isis what they do to Americans is considered "evil" by our standards, but if you look at it from a terrorist aspect they are doing it for the greater glory of God. This is the illusion of Good and evil. They are only mindsets. Look at Luke for example, when he was around 19 years of age he met two droids that forever changed his life ran into an old man who was part of an ancient religious order then his aunt and uncle were killed which radicalized him and one could say that Luke committed terrorist acts against the Empire. 

The Emperor himself was quoted in saying that he would bring peace to the Galaxy, though he systematically had the Jedi almost hunted down to extinction. The Last Jedi takes Star Wars back to its Taoist/Daoist roots, and is re-imagining the galaxy in a new light. The battle between the light and the dark isn't about the Force, it is about the what lies in the heart and spirit of a individual.


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