The Last Jedi: From a certain point of View

First I would like to say before viewing The Last Jedi I did have expectations but I let them go in order to view the film in an unbiased way.

From a aesthetic view of the film I can't lie I was a little let down by the movie, I felt it lacked scope and it felt kind of bland in color, however in story and character development I have to say I love the direction that Disney/Lucasfilm is taking the Star Wars Universe. I hear people now complain about The Last Jedi being a Edgy-Socio commentary and with this I have one thing to say. In the words of Master Yoda in TLJ.

"We are what they grow beyond, that is the burden of all masters." 
To me this sums up the new film and the direction that the future films are going. Disney and Lucasfilm know that somewhere along the lines that Star Wars has to evolve to fit with modern day philosophical thought to stay relevant and not to keep rehashing the past. It is safe to say I believe that the days of Death Stars and Death Star Imposters has finally come to an end. Star Wars has become more human and therefore we can come closer to our characters than ever before. I will say out of all the new characters I find that I am probably a combination of Luke Skywalker and Kylo Ren. I have always found myself to be a conflicted individual but I try to live my life in balance and tend to be a hermit.

I also see people crying about how they are giving the lead to a woman. "Rey" but I for one have no problem with this. It is the modern view of the world today to have a strong woman at the helm of things and in no way says anything about the quality of Star Wars, if anything Rey helps to include diversity in the movies and gives girls something to aspire to be. 

At first I was worried about Finn dying when he was about to sacrifice himself but then Rose saved him and it has led me to the conclusion that Finn's story will be so much more come Episode IX he will become a fully developed character. Hints the end where you see the sacred Jedi Text when he is packing things away.

Though I would have liked to see more of Snoke's back story I feel that it was completely necessary for him to die in the film in order for Kylo's character to evolve and become the Dark Lord he is supposed to be. I feel that Kylo is going to remain in the Dark but will find balance through Rey.

Also I would like to say that I for one do not think that Luke Skywalker is dead, no I think Luke has just transcended his body by becoming one with the Force, and I think Yoda taught him the method to do so while visiting with Luke on Ahch-To. Words cannot explain how happy I was to see Yoda back in the story too. I love that they decided to go back to using a puppet though I won't deny seeing a puppet Yoda in High Definition was a little Strange, either way I was delighted. 

Now I'm not saying you have to love The Last Jedi but I will say that if you hate it, maybe you should watch it a few more times before making final judgement and try viewing it from a non biased view.

May the Force be with you all.


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