Fear can be a powerful ally.

Article by Therrien Xavier.

When we look into the mystery that we call the Force, one of our most damning blockages is fear, fear of the unknown and the unexpected. But what if we could use fear to our own advantage? What if fear isn't something to really fear at all?

From a very narrow and dogmatic Jedi point of view fear is the path to the dark side, fear leads hate and hate leads to suffering. But this isn't about Jedi or Sith no we are moving on, ever flowing with the Force. I tell you now that fear can be one of your most powerful allies and you can use fear to manifest things in life that you never thought were possible. Through the Force we seek to help others and that is fine and dandy but there comes a time when we need to help ourselves, the dogmatic view in Jedi Philosophy is that a Jedi is to be selfless and that is simply (Not Healthy) both mentally, physically, & spiritually sometimes we have to a little selfish.

Have you ever had a time where you sat down and thought to yourself, "I just need some me time"? I'm sure you have at least a few times in your life and that is perfectly OK. Me time allows us time for reflection and when we have reflection we have introspection, through introspection we can take the time we need to deeply analyze our own mental health and really dig into what our greatest fears are.

By this process we can bring forth our fears, explore why we have certain fears and contemplate whether or not these fears are even rational to begin with. Once we have gone through this process we can then come to the conclusion that fear itself is like any other emotion and is nothing more than a mind made creation. Fear itself is an illusion, granted some of our fears are a good things as the control our natural safety defenses and can save us from getting hurt or even dead. Fear controls our fight or flight response system. Therefore fear is a good thing to have as long as you don't let it control you.

Fear can also be a great motivator, if you have a fear and you realize that it is a completely illogical fear, then the best thing you can do is go and face that fear head on and over come it. Like I mentioned before in the previous article. Use limitation as limitation you create your own mental and physical boundaries and only you know your own limits, however it is possible to keep pushing these boundaries if you are willing to put in the work and face your dark side.

Acting is your greatest ally in the face of fear, they say actions speak louder than words and I have found this to be true. Analyze the situation first before acting, however do not let others personal feelings get in the way of you conquering your own fears and empowering yourself further, be a person of power, be a person of action, back your actions with passion, back your passion with motivation and you will succeed.

May the Force be with you.


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