Fullness through Emptiness

Article by Therrien Xavier.

Fullness through Emptiness.

In training to become one with the Force, it is essential for the Jedi practitioner to learn what being full really means by understanding what emptiness really is.

Emptiness from my own view is the void in which we can place all thoughts of impurity into a box and store away. Leaving the mind and body empty to make room for that which is pure and that which is love and universal, unending bliss.
Now some people will view this and say well how can one not enjoy life without living life to the fullest and experiencing everything there is to experience? For example, people being sexually active with multiple partners or indulging in Drug and alcohol abuse. These are things that people tend to think makes their lives more fulfilled in fact they do the exact opposite. So to is it with over indulgence in anything that you do. A triple cheese burger from McDonald's I for one would consider it to be an over-indulgent food, therefore leading to gluttony and from a biblical stand point is one of the 7 deadly sins. Not only that, but bottom line is...it's just bad for you in the first place.

So from this point let us go forward in saying that emptiness can be achieved by realizing the nature of mind clutter and creating a system in which we can place all the clutter into 1 folder or box within the mind and store it away or throw it out. Lets do a simple writing exercise and figure out the habits that we have that we simply do not like and would like to transform.

First start by listing all of the negative things about yourself on a sheet of paper that you wish you could change or get rid of. We will call this sheet of paper your bad box. There is no limit to how many things you list.

Now that you are finished with this part of the exercise grab another sheet of paper and write the things that you wish to accomplish or perfect about yourself. Again this list is limitless so write as much as you wish. We will call this paper your transformation paper.

Now take your transformation paper and fold it and put it somewhere like an envelope and store it away for later use.

Next we will move on to another paper called your Path Finder Paper. Here on this sheet think of the goals and things about yourself you would like to change and begin to make a plan of action to achieve these goals. Write down any and all ideas that come to your mind. Don't worry about it sounding silly, its OK to dream big. Now take this paper and put it somewhere where you will see it every time you wake up in the morning and throughout your day. Visualize completing the tasks on your paper and work to make your ideas a reality.

Now lets go back to the original paper "The Bad Box", go outside or a well ventilated area and set this paper on fire, sit and meditate on the paper burning away any impurities that you wish to get rid of and through the Force feel the transmutation begin. This is symbolic of the emptying of your negative traits and making room for a more spiritually enlightened self to emerge from the flames of illumination.

Go back in 1 year and re open your Transformation paper and see how much you have grown and analyze yourself from a spiritual standpoint. Have you grown? Have you achieved what you set out to achieve? Do you still need work? If so create another Bad Box paper and repeat the process over and over until your goals have been achieved.

Once you have accomplished the things that you have set out to get rid of you will find by creating emptiness in yourself, that you become quite full in other more positive areas of your life. Be strong in these new areas and meditate on the greatness of what you have achieved.

May the Force be with you always, sincerely. -Therrien Xavier.


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